JournalQuilt #17


Wow! Another Journal Quilt. A bit late, but . . . better late than never! And who is really counting except - ME!! I missed last week but there has been a lot going on and I had to let something go. That is ok! This is #17 since January 7th!! On the back of this little 6" x 6" 'quiltie' is my Journal entry which is printed onto a piece of fabric with my Ink jet printer to create the back of the piece. Here's what this week's piece said:

May 8th, 2007 * Journal Quilt Number 17 *

SPRING is the theme of this week’s journal quilt. It has taken a long time for spring to come and stay in Connecticut this year. You’ll still find me on some mornings putting on my down jacket when I go out to walk the dogs because it’s only 40 degrees out! But, the days have been getting warmer and sunny every day. It gives one a lot of hope when it’s like that outside.

I’d say this past winter was not the easiest one for us, with Steven being out of work for a time. It did bring changes to our lives, like me returning to work besides my art, my classes and our home. This was actually good overall for both of us. It mixed things up; I took on new responsibilities, met new people, made new connections, and money! Without the job I took in February at Flatbread, I doubt my Art Show that was there would have happened. And even though I have changed jobs since then, it has been a learning & growing experience all around. I have had to learn to squeeze in my art, in-between work – and this has made me produce more!

This Journal Quilt is about SPRING, re-birth and re-growth. I have used ARTchix Studio images and Artbits for this quiltie. The woman is a paper image from the‘Winged Nudies’ sheet and is covered by a Scarlet Tangier from the ‘In the Garden’ Transparency Sheet. I have also added an extra fern “wing” from the Transparent Wings sheet. Above her head are copper Heishi and in the corner is a word tag that says ‘inspire’. In the background is nature printing I did of a fern leaf onto plain muslin, with rubber stamping for the quote and small ferns in the foreground and a bit of red lace paper from Alpha Stamps above her head to bring out the red bird.

: ) lenna