Dallas Chandler Foster

My youngest son Dallas, is coming to visit tomorrow for four days! I love these photos Steven snapped of him in rapid succession when he visited us with his girlfriend Liz, earlier this year. It was January, it was freezing cold here (40-50's -in Florida!) and we were living in the cottage on 8th Ave W-- where we first landed when we moved here from CT. Dallas is on a Bongo Board, the exact same one that my dad bought to strengthen his leg muscles and improve his balance for skiing in the 1960's. I bongo-boarded all the time when I was a girl, in our basement on Canton Rd. When Dallas was a teenager, he took the bongo board to his room and used to practice juggling devil sticks at the same time he balanced on it, all the time!

Asia and Chloe are interested in the plastic lizard!

 Somehow, this board has followed me through my multiple moves and is still with me in Florida about 45 or 50 years after my father bought it! I pulled it out of the closet and put it on the porch so dallas can use it while he is here.

I think sunglasses must help ; ^ ) 

Dallas was telling us a story while bongo-ing

it really is fun to do! To this day, I hop on it still, usually when dallas visits

dallas has really good balance and is an excellent 'bongo boarder'

Dallas turned 26 years old yesterday, totally amazing. I will be making him his favorite carrot cake today for his arrival tomorrow. We have been joking that he saw us in the cottage in January, this time he will visit us in our rental house, and when he can visit again, it will be in yet another house!! sheesh. At least he continues to visit! I feel very blessed, especially because both 

Dallas and Liz

 were offered positions again and will be returning to Italy at the end of August for their 3rd year of working at the

International School of Trieste

. Dallas works in the Library, bringing in English books, re-cataloging the library sections, working on improving the resources for the kids, and updating the library software. It has been such a good experience for both dallas and Liz that they have decided to return. Dallas says he still wants to travel to Istanbul, Ireland, Southern Italy and Greece, and going back would help them to do that. This year they went to Barcelona, Morocco, Stockholm and Copehagen and possibly elsewhere, as it is hard to keep up with them!!! My parents, Steven and I all look forward to seeing dallas and we will miss Liz - hopefully next visit when she is not studying for the GREs!