we're on wolfe island!

The wi-fi internet that Steven's cousin set up at the big house (his great-grandparent's house) was a surprise when we got here! Steven helped to configure it and got it going, but being on an island, the internet availability seems to come and go. It is nothing like what I am spoiled with at home -meaning that I cannot transfer a lot of data by looking at a lot of sites or pictures. But Steven okayed my idea to add a re-sized photo a day to my blipfoto journal - Just go there and use the calendar to work backwards to see a few of our 3 day trip here and our past week on the island. And a photo or two here is okay too!

This is our view towards Simcoe island from the cottage.

and me later swimming in that somewhat cold but beautiful water . . . 

The St Lawrence River is directly in front of our cottage and it is lovely to even just walk down the steps, sit and listen to the water lap on the rocks. That is not sand in the first picture, but a large flat rock. We have to wear some kind of shoes when swimming because of the zebra mussels which will really hurt/cut your feet. I am wearing one of my old pair of crocs- how handy my favorite shoes will also work for this! 

I lead a fairly laid-back life these days at our home in Florida, but things are even more laid-back here on the island. We have visited with many members of Steve's extended family whom we have not seen in 3 years or more -there are a total of 4 houses/ cottages along the river here that belong to the family. Plus, my son Decklin and his partner Tina have just arrived from Boston! They will be here with us all week and since we only see them a couple of times a year it is wonderful to have them here. As soon as they found out we would be going to Wolfe island they said, "can we come and visit you??" ; ) My youngest son Dallas & his wife Liz were not able to get away . . . but we spoke to him on the phone yesterday as it was his 28th birthday! 

I brought my Sketchbook Project 2013 journal with me and have been working on that while here. I decided on the theme of Travelogue and have been working on the idea of "Journey to Wolfe Island". It is a complete departure from any of my previous sketchbook projects with journaling and drawings (yes!). I also did a page in my personal art journal yesterday and worked on painting some small canvas coin purses I threw in my bag. And I have been taking tons of photos as usual. Uploading them to my laptop does not require any internet usage! I am well and happy and hope you are too. Steven is in heaven being back at his childhood family summer home on the water. We have been out in our boat Chelsea many times, even traveled to neighboring islands to visit friends. Chloe and Asia are very happy here too! I will try to check in again sometime . . . we are here for another couple of weeks. Promise to catch up with your blogs when I return home. xo lenna