Art Journal pages to remember

Since I've returned from Scotland, I have found myself diving back into my art journal using photos from my visit with Frieda. A number of days this week I've gone straight into my studio and to my journal the first thing in the morning, before checking email or anything else! This is how I 'tricked' myself into making sure I did a bit of art journaling every day when I started again on August 1st. Now, I have not worked in my art journal every single day since then, but this method had certainly helped me to get more done and feel good about it!

This spread of pages focuses on the day I arrived (overnight flight, little sleep). That afternoon, Frieda suggested a short walk around Dawyck Botanical Gardens, which I promptly learned is pronounced Doyck! I'd seen many, many beautiful photos of this particular Botanical Garden on Frieda's blog over the years and was super excited, even in my sleep deprived state, to go there!

Here is how I started remembering this day in my art journal: I chose some photos and printed them on brochure paper, which is great for letting the ink sit on top and not sink in, resulting in images that "pop" more. Using  Yes Glue. I added the photos to my journal and then started roughly drawing plant-like lines with a green oil pastel.

Next I added color with regular chalk-like pastels plus gold and white oil pastels.

Frieda had taken a photo of me there and sent it to me, which I included here and one of her, which I snuck in. She's been an absolute sport letting me take photos of her!

Isn't that Redwood tree amazing? 

I wanted something more so I reached for my Dye-Na-Flow paints, thin paints by Jacquard that almost act like a dye. I use it on both fabric and paper. I brushed, splattered and dripped the thin paint on the pages.

See the sweet little waterfall above? Dawyck is Hydro powered! 

I wanted the color I was adding with paint and pastels to reflect the "greeness" of the place.

lovely way to embed my memories of this remarkable week! Thank you, Frieda!!!

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